Jason has been quilting for 7 years, in our home studio in Airdrie, Alberta. He believes that each quilt is unique, and the quilting should add to its originality. Jason comes from a drafting & design background & has a keen eye for choosing just the right pattern.
***Recession & Pandemic Friendly Pricing in Effect until Further Notice!***
Edge to Edge Pantographs start at 2 cents per square inch.
You can contact Jason directly (call or text) at 403-831-0194.
Turnaround time can fluctuate. Please inquire.
You can follow him on Instagram @jb_quilts
Below are some samples of Jason's work.
The Prairie Quilt Militia has a 96% member renewal rate. Isn't that amazing??? Here's why:
"I joined Prairie Quilt Militia based on my experience with Sharon Blackmore when she had a quilt shop in Airdrie. I always liked her choice of fabrics and patterns and the joy she brought to the workshops I attended. When the opportunity came to join her on-line group, I jumped at the chance. I love the patterns she designs, the level of detail she provides in her instructions, and the camaraderie of the group. Such a fun and caring group of quilters who are willing to share their enthusiasm and their knowledge to help out beginners and pass along time saving tips to everyone. I highly recommend Prairie Quilt Militia, Loveshack Quilts, and Sharon Blackmore to all my quilting friends."
Joan, Airdrie AB
"I was a sidelines observer for awhile. A friend got me started and the fabrics that Sharon Blackmore used cinched it. Quilting with other woman is a wonderful learning experience. We all learn new things and enjoy the companionship. Even though we are far afield, we are still together."
Marie, Calgary AB
"I was a sucker for a mystery quilt and stumbled on the facebook page for POF by accident. It was at a time in my life when I wasn't really able to get to my ladies for my regular sew day. You had me at mystery and kept me because I found a social support system when I badly needed to know that there was still "life out there"."
Hjordis, Wainwright AB
"I am new to this group and I'm here, along with 3 of my friends, because a dear friend loved this group so much she gave us memberships. I don't think anything speaks more highly of this group and of Sharon personally, than the recommendation of a great friend. The patterns and interactions of the members are helpful and heart warming. Thank you for all of your hard work. It's truly appreciated."
Suzanne, Fort Lauderdale, FL
"When I joined this group I had never done a mystery quilt, never been part of an online group and my time was very limited. I was so shocked to learn that by following the steps provided, watching the short learning videos and seeing what others were doing assisted me to make the most gorgeous quilt! If I had seen the pattern I would have shrugged it off as way above my skill level and never tried. Now all of the quilts I make mystery or otherwise are complex, intricate and have a richness that goes beyond my expectations. Thanks to Sharon and the Militia!!!"
Kelly, Medicine Hat AB
"Met you at a quilt show a few years ago ...was impressed by your well written patterns that even a newbie could read...love your book and your mystery patterns...love our online quilting guild and also knowing what we say or show is for our eyes only..also love how you and Jason are making it work so the downturn in the economy doesn't hurt as bad.."
Sherrill, Camrose AB
"I joined because of my friend. She told me about the group, how much fun she was having, and I'd just hate for her to have fun when I wasn't. I'm so glad I did. Sharon provides tips that make sense and lead to beautiful quilts. I'm now on my fourth mystery...and it's all come out of my stash. Love, love, love this group."
Norma, Sequim WA
"I can't say it better than the previous ladies. I would echo everything they said. Thank you so much Sharon!"
Evelyn, Stavely AB
"Love everything about the group . Everything we learn , the girls in this group and especially our leader . It is awesome."
Susie, Summerford NL
"I love everything about this group ... the fab comradeship is high on the list, but Sharon's amazing one-of-a-kind patterns with implicit instructions together with her expert leadership and amazing quilting talents all keep us wanting more!"
Deb, Calgary AB
"I just brag about all the learning. And say if you like itty bitties this site is for you. Then tell them where to go, nicely to your site."
Liz, Edmonton, AB
"I have a hard time choosing fabrics and Sharon's mystery quilts allow me to choose fabrics with out stressing. I have learned how to be much more accurate with my seaming and pressing and I love seeing those perfect intersections. Your quilting talent is beyond any I've ever seen. My Vintage Compass quilt received so much attention at our quilt show! I was finally brave enough to show off my work in large part due to Sharon's amazing quilting and kind words. I'm so glad I found you!!"
Barb, High Prairie AB
"I live in a remote area..not a lot of ladies to sew with...this group gives me a sounding board for ideas, and suggestions. I love all the quilt patterns, they are all so unique. I'm involved with the mini swap going on right now and it's so much fun watching for posts about it all. It's a great group of ladies...some days I'm on everyday to check out what's going on, and then there are times when life is too busy..but that's ok..this sewing group can be whatever I need it to be each day..full time or part time, and each day is different depending on family needs and work obligations. Some groups have quilt police lol...but so far I haven't seen any here, everyone is so helpful with suggestions, full of compliments, and so many ideas.thanks for creating this group, it's just what I needed to lift my spirits."
Debra, Digby NS
"My friend talked about you and your quilt designs. I then checked you out and liked what I saw. I love how you can use up your stash in your designs. I also really like the videos that you have posted. Really learned about the 1/4" scant seam from you. You always seem available for input with fabric choices. Love this group of quilters."
Kathy, Lethbridge AB
"I can sew a lot better since I join this group, from the detailed instructions and the helpful videos. I have learned to have a 1/4 seam that is almost perfect. I can iron blocks to be much more square. The friendships that I have found with Sharon and the women in the group are one of the best things about it, with the added bonus of Awesome quilts."
Cleary, Bunnell FL
"Enjoyed you at the Quilt Show in Saskatoon and loved your work. When I called you in Airdrie to order fabric you mentioned starting an on line Quilt Group and knew then I had to join. You do exquisite quilts. I am a small piece lover and truly love Civil War Fabric. Thanks for the mentoring of this group. May not have all the time in the world to do all your work but love all of it none the less. Can't wait to be able to attend your longarming classes. Thank you is not enough and your fee is minimal for all that you teach. Have a Great Day to you and yours. xoxo"
Suzanne, Saskatoon SK
"I have learned so much just from the pressing videos. Really makes a difference in the accuracy of my blocks!"
Janet, San Clemente CA
"Cuz I like moonshine ;-)"
Julie, Somewhere under the Northern Lights
"I like doing the mysteries for two reasons. By keeping up with the manageable steps, I suddenly have an intricately pieced quilt at the end that I never would have chosen to do otherwise because of the work involved. I also love seeing everyone else's fabric choices and pictures of their progress. It keeps me inspired."
Gloria, Wetaskiwin AB
"I originally started with Plenty of Fish because I really liked Sharon's patterns - they just stuck a chord in me. In joining this group I have learned so much, & met so many wonderful new friends. Everyone is supportive & willing to share ideas. Sharon's patterns are very detailed & easy to follow. She also gives tips & videos to make steps easier."
Tami, Saskatoon SK
"When I joined this group I was very much a beginner quilter...hardly did any. If someone would have told me in no time at all I would be making intricate quilts like Sharon's I would have told them they've lost it! Well thanks to Sharon and all the girls I am!!! It's amazing all I have learned from being a member of this group!
Sheila, Medicine Hat AB
"My sister was doing POF and got me interested in joining the group and I have been hooked ever since! I have loved every quilt that has evolved from the well written instructions. From the suggestions of fabric selection to finishing the quilt, the instructions are clear and easy to follow. I have also learned a ton from the videos and extra classes I have taken from Sharon. Thanks for increasing my quilting knowledge Sharon!"
Debbie, Sundre AB
"I saw a picture of one of the finished quilts and saw how beautiful it was. The person posted where I could join and participate in some very nice mystery quilts."
Carol-Ann, Wasilla Alaska
"A friend of mine is a member,and I loved the mystery quilts she was doing,so much so that I wanted to be part of the new one"Lap Dance". I joined and have really enjoyed the simplicity of the instructions as well as the results of each . I have also enjoyed the jokes,pictures of the lovely quilts everyone is working on as well as the helpful hints. Thank you everyone for the wonderful experience I am having!!!!!"
"I believe it was my friend Linda who told me about Prairie Quilt Militia and I loved it immediately. Sharon, I have learned a lot from you with the tidbits and videos. I love this group and can't imagine not being in the Prairie Quilt Militia. Full steam ahead."
Kay, Norman OK
"Actually, Kay, I think it was the other way around. You said on facebook that you was doing a mystery quilt with ladies from many states and Canada. I ask how that could happen and you told me about Prairie Quilt Militia. I checked it out and knew right away that I was in. Have not regretted a minute of it. I have learned so much. Yes, you can still teach an old dog new tricks!! Happens with me all the time since joining this fine group. Thanks Sharon for all the time and advice. You are the best! And thanks, Kay! Now I wonder who really introduced you to the group??"
Linda, Port Orchard WA
"I love a mystery and I love doing a puzzle. When I heard about PQM it seemed like the perfect adventure for me. In the past every BOM involved making a block each month. What I like about Sharon's mysteries is the fact that we make little piles of pieces in every step and then we get to put them all together eventually and something beautiful just appears almost out of nowhere. What fun that is! I've also learned to make a scrap quilt for the very first time. So my mystery and puzzle fetish is satisfied all at the same time."
Janet, Shelton WA
" I had decided to teach myself how to quilt. My friend invited me to a Facebook mystery group MVL. I asked her about the group she explained how the mystery works. Then preceded to tell me how wonderful Sharon's designs, tips and tricks were, and the videos were very detailed. So I thought what the heck, why not give it a try. Work at your own pace. Sharon explains every step in a very fun, interesting and lots of details. I absolutely fell in love with her and the whole group of ladies. I'm so excited to be a part of this PQM members group. Everyone is a friend and available with a wealth of info. If you have never ever quilted before or have a little or are a long time quilter this is where you need to be. Come join a great Commander and all of us, were fun, interesting and give lots of support to each other."
Tonia, Decatur Indiana
"I like mystery quilts so l can use what is in my stash, and they always turn out lovely . Thank you Sharon."
Dianne, Edson AB
" I joined because I like Sharon's pattern designs and enjoy being part of a quilting group that works with my schedule. The instructions for the quilts and extra tips have helped me improve my skills and the interaction on Facebook in the group is encouraging. Sharon's instructions are clear and have helped me make quilts I would not have thought I had the skills to complete."
Deborah, Olds AB
"I joined this group to belong to a quilting community that I could fit into my schedule. I was thrilled to discover how much fun this group is and how much inspiration just flows from all the sharing."
Carol-Ann, Calgary AB
"I remember I was bored on Facebook and looking at quilt sites when I found pof. I had never done a mystery and really had only done a couple large block quilts when I decided to try and am so glad I did as it has reawakened a love of sewing that I had forgotten for many years. The great patterns and instructions and all the great help in fabric section can't be beat. And now I so love scrappy!!"
Nancy, Eckville AB
" So glad I stumbled upon POF, which was my first mystery quilt. When PQM was born, I had to jump in! Sharon's a great designer and instructor, and a whole lot of fun. The PQM Members are a fun, creative, and very supportive bunch."
Heather, Airdrie AB
" I had never done a large quilt until I saw Sharon's POF mystery and decided to try it. I was hooked. Finished POF and enjoyed the instructions from Sharon, the patterns are so detailed they are fun to do. I love her patterns and the videos, her explanation's make them so easy to do. Thanks Sharon."
"My first quilt I did with Sharon was POF and I enjoyed it so much I carried on with Prairie Quilt Militia. Her quilt designs are great and it is a very supportive fun group of people. Sharon's instructions are really good and her videos are very clear and concise. Thank you Sharon!"
"For the first time in my quilting adventure I have a group that helps and doesnt make me feel totally stupid."
Fran, Vancouver BC
"I love the virtual comradery of this group and how everyone is so helpful and encouraging! Visiting the site always brightens my day."
Sue, Brownvale AB
"I saw posts from friends from Sharon Blackmore and PQM and started getting steps for her Mystery Quilt-Plenty of Fish. I found a group of women who were very supportive, knowledgeable and never put anyone down. Always made you feel good, always complimented or helped you with your quilts and also included some "home movie type videos" for tips for better construction of your quilts. We learned about each other's lives, helped and prayed for each other and generally have a fantastic time on this site. The final quilt is just an added bonus of being in this group of strong helpful women. We are like sisters, not just friends. We also got first opportunity to purchase Sharon's book!"
Linda, Vineland NJ
" I started out with my first mystery quilt, POF, and enjoyed it so much, not to mention all that I learnt from Sharon. I just wish I had more time to keep up with all the new mystery quilts, but someday I will. For now, I will follow along and enjoy all the beautiful creations you all are making."
"A friend of mine recommended the POF mystery. It was a challenge and a joy. I found it hard to give up control, but now I realize that I like the mystery quilts because in my life I have to control so many things. In my quilting it feels good to let go of the control. I have met many friends through The Prairie Militia. Some just down the street and some all over the world. The women in this group are a joy to be a part of. They are kind, generous with help and advice, and also always good for a laugh. What a joy to be a part of such a wonderful group!! Thanks for creating this network of awesome women."
Cyndi, Saskatoon SK
" I've been doing these mystery quilts since Plenty of Fish and I look forward to seeing the next as they come along. Mind you they come along to quick at times but you make it work. I truely love the mystery and then finally seeing how it looks when it all goes together. It's taken me awhile, but I realize now the importance of using good quilting material and how it makes such a difference. Thank you Sharon for the wonderful instructions and all the videos to help us as we go along. You are truly a leader and I'm so thankful to be part of this group."
Patsy, Calgary AB
Ready to join? CLICK HERE to go back to the PQMilitia Page,
where you can sign up!