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Ever After... A Cinderella love story, or....

If you've ever felt tempted to make a scrappy quilt, but aren't a fan of all those colors mixed together, then this 2-color scrappy quilt just might suit you! Ever After is a beautiful blend of many many greens and creams. I came up with the idea for this quilt when I realized that green was the one color I seemed to neglect to add to my scrappy quilts, therefore I had a TON of green in my stash! And away we went..... My good friend Nancy Kelln decided to take on piecing this quilt, and we are happy to say that it's almost finished! Yes, lots of stars, and yes, lots of little stars, but we love the way they shimmer around the border and pop on the inside of the quilt. How about a red/white or black/white version of this beauty? Or you could go all out and use a variety of colors. Here she is, finishing at 62"x74"...

We'll make Ever After over a 1 year period, with 2 bonus projects thrown in as well! Here's some fabric selection tips for Ever After:

A 2 color quilt is a great way to showcase a variety of prints in each color grouping. This quilt will already have Rest as a result of only being 2 colors, so make sure your Variety and Values are high, to make this quilt so much more interesting. So choose LOTS of different greens, and LOTS of different creams, and choose them in a range of values too! As long as your lightest dark contrasts with your lights, the design will emerge beautifully! Here’s what you’ll need:

4 meters or 4 1/2 yards assorted lights,

OR 18 Fat Quarters

5 meters or 5 1/2 yards assorted darks,

OR 22 Fat Quarters

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